About this blog:
Learning Tamil is a place to find information about specific grammar rules in Tamil. The side bar provides links to various posts with examples and explanations of various grammatical forms. As I learn Tamil, these sections expand. Currently, this blog is not intended to actually teach you Tamil per se, but to provide supplemental resources and explanations to go along with the resources you have at your disposal
How it began:
Originally, I wanted a place to post my work so that my online language learning partners could see my Tamil work. They could email or post a comment when they saw something that did not work. As I continued working, I realized that although there are a fair number of learn Tamil websites, it was still very hard to find a quick answer, on for example "Tamil Past Tense formation."
Future plans:
There are very few audio programs for learning the Tamil language. Eventually, I would like to record native speakers reading the stories and articles that are available online, add vocabulary and grammar comments and create podcasts for language learning. This will require some free time on many different people's parts.
Sources Used:
My main focus in choosing materials for this blog is to ensure that anyone in the world can obtain them easily online. I have found that I will recommend a book, to find that it is not available in the learner's country. To remedy this, I use my grammar books to supplement a quick explanation, but rely mostly on what is accessible to everyone on the web. That being said, there is a short list of hard copy books and a brief review of each in my list of Tamil Language Resources.